Thanks to the exceptional quality of milk from the mountain area of the Tatras, Východná Farm offers cheese delicacies. Natural cheeses are prepared by using traditional production methods, without adding vegetable fats and colours. Steaming the curd creates traditional cheese Oštiepok and cheese laces Ťahaničky. New to the offer are matured Horal cheeses and cheese coated with the wax called Pampúšik
- traditional steamed cheeses: VALACH, OŠTIEPOK, KOLIBA, ŤAHANIČKY – cheese laces
- exclusive ripened cheeses with the maturation period from 6 to 24 months: HORAL cow and sheep
- cheeses with a short ripening period: SYROŠÍK unflavoured, SYROŠÍK flavoured (chili, chives, roasted onions), COW CHEESE and SHEEP
Where to buy:
Abount Východná farm

Východná farm is the highest situated farm in Liptov region (930 m.a.s.l.). It focuses primarily on the milk production and organic cattle breeding. It offers quality cheeses made from cow’s and sheep’s milk, which are prepared by using traditional methods. The farm offers the opportunity to take a guided tour of the farmyard and herb plantation.

Other products in this category
When in Liptov, you should not miss the opportunity to taste delicious cheese made in the Salaš Pastierska sheep dairy farm. The following products have been granted the Produkt Liptova brand of local products:
- fresh cow’s milk cheese
- smoked cow’s milk cheese
- string cheese
- fresh sheep’s milk cheese
- smoked sheep’s milk cheese
- bryndza (a typical Slovak soft crumbly cheese)
You can either buy something or stay a while and enjoy a cheese plate while taking in the views of Liptovský Mikuláš and the Low Tatras.
Where to buy:
About Salaš Pastierska

The determination to keep the traditions alive and to make healthy and fresh milk products is the driving force of PPS Bobrovec, a company operating in the field of mountain farming, shepherding and sheep and cow breeding, which all have had a long tradition in Liptov. „When you come to the farm at four o’clock in the morning, everybody is already up by then. The sheep are in the pen and the guys are milking them so that we can have fresh milk, cheese or žinčica (boiled sheep whey),“ says Milan Gajan, the owner of Salaš Pastierka.

Other products in this category:
Try this great tasting butter. Homemade butter is free from preservatives and additives, made of pasteurized cow’s milk with a fat content of at least 82%.
Where to buy:
About Salaš Pastierska

The determination to keep the traditions alive and to make healthy and fresh milk products is the driving force of PPS Bobrovec, a company operating in the field of mountain farming, shepherding and sheep and cow breeding, which all have had a long tradition in Liptov. „When you come to the farm at four o’clock in the morning, everybody is already up by then. The sheep are in the pen and the guys are milking them so that we can have fresh milk, cheese or žinčica (boiled sheep whey),“ says Milan Gajan, the owner of Salaš Pastierka.

Other products in this category
Fresh, untreated milk with a fat content of at least 3.6%.
Freshly milked untreated cow’s milk with a fat content of at least 3.6%, exceptional for its high content of vitamins and proteins. The milk is from the farm in Liptovské Sliače.
Where to buy:
The milk is available direct to you through a milk vending machine located next to the Hýrošova špajza, a small grocery store situated in the centre of Ružomberok. This little charming store sells a range of home-made and always fresh quality products sourced directly from local growers and producers. Besides the fresh milk, the Hýrošova špajza store also sells other products bearing the “Produkt Liptova” brand of local products. They include the BIOTATRY herbal teas, Medona medovníky (deliciously spiced, decorated ginger-bread like cookies), Medveďovník medovníky, Liptovské droby craft beer Nilio and Krmešáky herbal soaps.
About grange Lisková – Sliače

One of the largest farms in Liptov aims to bring locals and visitors alike the opportunity to buy its high-quality fresh raw milk. Simply bring your glass bottle and fill it at the milk vending machine located right next a grocery store which sells local produce and is run by the farm. The store is a vivid example of how local produce can be made more available to people and can have a positive effect on the local community.