Do you want to go on vacation or a trip to Liptov and don’t want to spend a lot of time planning it?

In that case, take advantage of our planner, which will do everything for you simply and quickly.

How to do it?

Fill in or select:

  • location of residence and radius in the vicinity
  • term
  • activities according to interest
  • you are traveling individually, as a family or a group
  • interest in eating
  • email address

The system will then generate tips that you can share through your:

  • E-mail
  • Facebook
  • Whatsapp
  • link
  • PDF format

Something doesn’t suit you in the offer, have you changed the date or fellow travelers?

It doesn’t matter… Create a new plan and enjoy Liptov according to your wishes, completely customized ?

The activity is implemented with the financial support of the Ministry of Transport of the Slovak Republic.

Liptov planner