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Ski buses to Jasná have a green light
JasnáFrom Friday, December 22, 2023, the operation of free ski buses to Jasná will start. Skiers can use them not only within the Demänovská valley, but also guests staying in the vicinity of Liptovská Mara and in Liptovský Mikuláš, Liptovský Ján and Bešeňová. The excellent news for skiers is that the lines will run at 15-minute intervals from the parking lot at the beginning of the Demänovská dolina, where they can comfortably park their vehicles, but also from the railway station in Liptovský Mikuláš.
The comfortable winter season in Liptov also includes ski buses to Jasná. This year, their operation will start before the Christmas holidays. “For more than ten years, they have been bringing skiers from the entire Liptov region for the best skiing in Slovakia to the Jasná SKI & AQUA BUS-y resort for free. We will start the ski bus service on Friday, December 22, and we will be happy if skiers use them and leave their cars parked near the accommodation facilities or in the parking lot at the beginning of the Demänovská valley,” said the director of the regional tourism organization REGION LIPTOV, Darina Bartková. Free SKI & AQUA BUS lines go to the Jasná resort from Liptovský Trnovec and Tatralandia via Liptovský Mikuláš, there is also a line from Bešeňová, as well as a line from Liptovský Ján. The regional tourism organization REGION LIPTOV coordinates the ski bus transport project with the Jasná resort and the village of Demänovská Dolina.
It is ideal for skiers to use ski buses and thus relieve the traffic along the entire section to Demänovská dolina. In the event that skiers decide to use their vehicles after all, Liptáci appeals to use the capacity of their cars to the maximum and to share transportation. It is definitely a better solution for the Demänovská valley than traveling to Jasná with only one or two seats in the vehicle. “This winter’s novelty is that selected ski buses will also stop at the TESCO stop in Liptovský Mikuláš, thereby expanding the possibilities for skiers. Last year, we found it very useful to park at the Záchytny parking lot at the beginning of the Demänovská dolina, from where ski buses run at 15-minute intervals, only around lunch time it is every 30 minutes. Our skiers should also use the ski buses from the railway station in Liptovský Mikuláš, which take them regularly every 15 minutes in the morning and later every 30 minutes,” advises the director of the Jasná center Jiří Trumpeš.

In case of bad weather and significant restrictions on the operation of the cable cars in the Jasná resort, skiers will be delighted by the reinforced link Jasná – Tatralandia water park. The detailed graph is on the website of the region and the Jasná website. In addition, through the Liptov – Nízke Tatry application, it is possible to search for a connection and also track any ski bus delays online. Free transport by ski buses is available to holders of the Liptov Region Card and a valid ski pass.
V prípade nepriaznivého počasia a výraznejších obmedzení prevádzky lanoviek v stredisku Jasná poteší lyžiarov posilnený spoj Jasná – vodný park Tatralandia. Detailný grafikon je na stránke regiónu a stránke Jasnej. Navyše cez aplikáciu Liptov – Nízke Tatry je možné vyhľadať spoj a aj online sledovať prípadné meškanie skibusu. Bezplatná preprava skibusmi je dostupná pre držiteľov Liptov Region Card a platného skipasu.
On January 20 and 21, 2024, the prestigious AUDI FIS WORLD CUP JASNÁ event awaits Slovakia, Liptov and Jasná. There will be skiing on 45 kilometers of slopes even during the race. Special free ski buses are prepared and information on traffic regulation for skiers, fans and guests is published on the event website
The regional tourism organization REGION LIPTOV finances the ski bus transport to Jasná also from a subsidy of the Ministry of Transport of the Slovak Republic in the amount of almost 200,000 euros.

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